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8th march international womens day men who clean house like ideal gift

8th March, International Women's Day: men who clean house like ideal gift


Today, 8th March is celebrated all over the world, the International Women's Day
How to celebrate it? Put aside the usual cliché, and surprise her with something that never would expect from your man: tea towel in hand and a bit of elbow grease into commence the operation "cleaning house"

Always been the man, released this "unhealthy" concept that the household cleaning are "girl stuff". 
So they don't even have never developed that "practical sense" which is used in the house, as a result, once again, is the woman to have to provide for. 

But did you know that from a study conducted by the University of Oxford in many European countries, it was found that the men who give a hand around the house are more capable of raising the children and maintain the family, and therefore more attractive to a choice of living together? 

We too of Mobirolo we want to do our part, so we give you some advice, for the poor fools, on how to clean their own staircase of the house
If you have a Mobirolo open wood stair or a spiral wood staircase, then you can afford to clean up the above-mentioned at least once a year, because special made with particular paintings and treatments (always in respect of the environment) which make it very resistant and tit for trampling, as for the wooden floors. 
Choose specific products for the wood provided no acids, no abrasives and not alkaline. It will be important to clean the areas with the same frequency with which they clean windows and stained glass. Using only these few devices, you will be able to keep it nice and new for a very long time. 
And voila, the first step to make your woman really happy and proud of you men is done.

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