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News di Mobirolo

mobirolo blows out 50 candles

Mobirolo blows out 50 candles!


Happy birthday, Mobirolo!
Here we are, blowing out 50 candles. 
Half a century is passed since the 1966, year of Mobirolo's foundation. 
Yestarday, 50 years ago, we were a small laboratory of artigianal stairs, today we become the great reality we all know. 
Time after time, step after step we climbed the stair of success becoming a point of reference in area of prefabricated staircase.
Time modified us but it didn't change us: our mission is and always will be to meet the needs of our costumers and to guarantee them quality and excellence. 
50 candles are turned out but the lights on future are now turned on. 
And if we are celebrating 50 years of business it is also thanks to you, to our costumers, to our dealers, to our agents, because a good business story is never written by just a single person. 

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Zuverlässigkeit und Engagement

Wir arbeiten, um ein qualitativ hochwertiges Produkt, hergestellt an den Client anpassen und auf Langlebigkeit ausgelegt zu liefern.

Wir erfüllen die Erwartungen unserer Kunden durch die Bereitstellung ausgezeichneter Qualität von Produkten und Dienstleistungen

Ivano Cappelletti

Sono molto soddisfatto l'ho montata e la uso da 15 anni per andare in mansarda. Era l'unico modo veloce per avere una scala pronta all'uso. In 30 giorni dal sopralluogo ho avuto la scala montata. Devo dire che sto molto attento a non passarci con scarpe sporche o bagnate, ma posso dire che è ancora come nuova.

Simona Palmieri recensione con voto 5

Materiali di pregio, tecnici consigliati e soprattutto installazione completa a domicilio. Da consigliare

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